Look at any industry, in any market, and you’ll find the same strategy playing out everywhere. Companies compete with one…
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Zika virus is a global emergency. To fight it, humans have to…
The division technique works by dividing a product or its components functionally or physically and then rearranging them back into…
You've heard that old adage. Don't judge a book by its cover. The same holds true in creativity. We want…
I love umbrellas and the many versions that demonstrate the five patterns of Systematic Inventive Thinking. Here's a new one…
Task Unification is defined as: assigning an additional task to an existing resource. That resource should be in the immediate…
One of my favorites is the Absurd Alternative Tool. It works by offering exaggerated alternatives to using the product or…
Innovation is often associated with triumphant lone inventors. The likes of Thomas Edison, Louis Pasteur or Bill Gates are the…
Task Unification is defined as: assigning an additional task to an existing resource. That resource should be in the immediate…