ะŸะพัั‚ั‹ ะฐะฒั‚ะพั€ะฐ Tamar Chelouche

Tamar Chelouche

The Paradigm Shift in Education โ€“ SIT Chinaโ€™s Perspective

Published date: July 14, 2019 ะฒ 8:28 am

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Category: Innovation

Since entering the Chinese market in 2014, SIT China has conducted more than 50 Innovative Thinking training sessions in the education world. Many of the sessions were sparked by a paradigm shift occurring in the educational sphere; the deep-rooted belief that educators should solely provide content knowledge to students is being reevaluated and replaced by the idea that educators should additionally empower students with life and learning skills. Moreover, the integration of new technologies and access to unlimited information is disrupting the traditional role and purpose of schooling.

I find it important to discuss the general concepts that have repeated in most activities, as I find them applicable to the global educational landscape.

In general, our activities have helped participantsโ€”whether itโ€™s staff, principals, teachers or teachersโ€™ teachersโ€”understand that now is the best time to update, challenge, change and improve their schoolsโ€™ current practices and objectives. The critical role that an innovative thinking mindset plays was stressed as was the importance of identifying and breaking the cognitive barriers that prevent the discovery of new opportunities. Once this general framework was established, participants were taught relevant SIT tools and principles to apply to their roles with the objective of developing new ideas or solutions that can provide value to students, teachers, schools and society.

Our training sessions focus on the 13 topics that are most relevant to todayโ€™s education landscape

  1. Developing studentsโ€™/ teachersโ€™ innovative thinking skills
  2. Enhancing class formats to create a more engaging and interactive environment
  3. Altering teaching formats
  4. Redesigning tests
  5. Creating new ways to evaluate students
  6. Finding ways to develop life-long learners
  7. Enhancing studentsโ€™ curiosity and reading habits
  8. Introducing more opportunities for students to collaborate/express themselves
  9. Changing homework tasks and dealing with the No Homework for Primary Schoolsโ€™ guideline
  10. Integrating moral education
  11. Building a collaborative environment among teachers and administration (less authoritative and more consolatory)
  12. Modifying and refining administrative tasks
  13. Improving communication with parents

A Few Examples of Our Work

Principalsโ€™ Training Program

We recently held a training program for 40 primary school principals, during which we focused on the changing role of educators and the recent paradigm shift discussed above (i.e. students are no longer solely provided content knowledge, instead educators also develop studentsโ€™ life and learning skills).

The benefits of Learn by Play were explored while participants engaged in a playful, interactive learning experience. As a part of the process, participants reflected on their experiences and wrote their reflections on a piece of paper. A quasi-snowball fight then ensued; participants transformed their pieces of paper into paper balls and threw them at one another. Afterwards, they teamed up to discuss their reflections and, by doing so, developed a deeper understanding of each otherโ€™s thought processes.

One of the most stimulating parts of the program was on the topic of how to enhance studentsโ€™ curiosity to read.  Hebrew childrenโ€™s books were divvied out to the Chinese participants, who then broke into teams in order to collectively use their creative skills to generate a story to correspond with the illustrations. This activity allowed them to sense the power of group work and encouraged them to be more attentive to each otherโ€™s ideas. By giving participants hands-on experience, it was easy for them to reflect on the positive impact such an activity could have on studentsโ€™ learning and life skills, while also enhancing their curiosity to read a book. Following this activity, participants applied SIT tools to this topic, which brought about one of my favorite ideas of the trainingโ€”a school guard could greet children in the morning

dressed up as a character from a book, encouraging students to search for the particular book around the school and, of course, read it. Once this idea was generated, it unleashed a wave of similar ideas about additional activities the school can hold to support a book โ€œScavenger Huntโ€.

The training then segued into โ€œHow to Assess?โ€. If teaching and learning formats are changed, student assessment tools must likewise be changed.  For example, should only a studentโ€™s level of knowledge be measured, or should their progress also be measured? Can their group work be assessed; how well they support each other; their contribution to the groupโ€™s creative energy? These questions opened the eyes of participants and triggered more inquiries, which all challenged the current assessment landscape.

World Education Summit for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

SIT China participated in The World Education Summit for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (WESIE) in Shenzhen on the March 23rd, 2019.  It was a large event for 500-600 participants, mostly parents, educators and individuals from private educational institutions. WESIE is an initiative created by Einstein, a local Chinese education company whose aim is to integrate Israeli educational methods and practices in China.

During the event, Yaacov Hecht, the founder of Democratic schools in Israel, held an inspiring session highlighting the power of students taking responsibility and ownership over their learning process. Several Chinese innovators in the education world shared their efforts. One important initiative regards expanding education to rural China via online classes for students of all ages, offering a wider diversity of topics and access to experienced teachers.

SIT shared several examples of how to create meaningful learning experiences from studentsโ€™ daily activities. For example, when going to the supermarket, one can practice writing the shopping list, reading the food labels, calculating the costs, planning the budget, comparing colors and shapes (for younger kids) and so much more. Taking advantage of these activities could contribute to childrenโ€™s self-motivation to learn and explore outside of the classroom and take advantage of the learning opportunities all around them.

Two-Day Innovative Thinking Program


Since we believe teaching innovation skills is valuable in any educational context, we are currently devising a two-day innovative thinking program to be marketed to schools across China. Each program can be catered to a specific schoolโ€™s needs in order to create a custom-designed program that complements their existing educational framework and provides support in the areas they seek improvement. All the trainings include the basic module of understanding Innovative Thinking and its relevance to their job function and world, and each school subsequently can select, from the list of 13 topics, additional topics they wish to cover.

Changing Innovation Landscape

The education landscape is ever changing. And though some might say it is impossible to predict the future, trends reveal that a teacherโ€™s traditional role of only encouraging students to acquire a core standardized body of knowledge is no longer the standard. The role of the educator is expanding, and teachers, students, and schools must adjust to this new reality. The topics presented in this blog only graze the surface of topics in which one can innovate in the educational world. By developing new methods for those educating our youth, the millions of new students entering schools across the globe every year can take part in a meaningful learning journey, which capitalizes on current technology and gives them the necessary knowledge, support, and tools needed to navigate the deep waters of our changing world.

Old-Traditioned Early Adopters : The Diary of an Expat in Shanghai

Published date: January 31, 2018 ะฒ 11:21 am

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Category: Organizational Innovation,Strategy

Tags: ,,,

Did you know that Fried Tomatoes and Eggs is the most popular dish in China? You can determine how well you know China according to how well you know Chinese food. So, if you associate Chinese food mainly with Sweet and Sour Pork with Riceโ€ฆ well, then your knowledge of China is very basic. If you already know that rice is more popular in the South of China while noodles are more popular in the North, then you are at the next level. If you know that Shenzen and Hong Kong are the right places for Cantonese Dim Sum; Shanghaiโ€™s cuisine is heavier and sweet; Sichuanโ€™s is

the spicy choice and that in Beijing you should go for the Peking Duck, then you really know your way around!

But this week, I discovered a deeper layer in the Chinese food culture. At home, at every home, the most common dish is Fried Tomatoes and Eggs. People love to argue about the best way to make them; salty or sweet -with sugar (yes!), spicy or not, frying the eggs or the tomatoes first, etc. ICBC bank used this insight to target Chinese students studying abroad. They launched a campaign based on their love of this dish, which most of them associate with missing home, and it created a great buzz in Chinese social media.

So now you know! I have been living as an expat in China for over three years now, always trying to capture the learnings and insights I discover in my journey towards understanding the local culture. But whenever I feel I have grasped a new facet, I quickly discover something new that surprises me! To top it all, everything changes rapidly. The society that I am getting to know here in the big city is full of early adopters and trendsetters. When they do something, they do it full force โ€“ they do it big and fast. As an example, letโ€™s take Mobike. Last year, Mobike introduced a new service that allows people to pick up a red bike anywhere in the city and drop it off anywhere โ€“ a station-less shared bike service. You can track the nearest bike by using their app on your phone and open the lock by scanning a code using a mobile payment app. The service is very cheap and allows hundreds of thousands of people around the

city to make short trips, such as the last mile from the metro to their final destination, quicker and more environmentally friendly. To make it attractive for customers, an abundance of bikes were scattered in the city. Very quickly, additional companies started offering the same service; OFO with yellow bikes, and then the green bikes, the blue bikes and then the electric bike. We are talking about around 1.5 million shared bikes around Shanghai!

The early-adopter culture in Shanghai and how it works:

As the competition is fierce, some companies give their service for free, and some pay you for using the bike and moving them around the city. As you can expect, challenges have risen. Now, for example, there are piles of bikes blocking sidewalks and entrances to buildings, creating the need for new solutions. These challenges have developed thanks to the rapid adoption and extensive use of the new service. Over 20 million rides a day in 50 cities around China. Trend-setters? Now the station-less bike-sharing service is spreading to an additional 160 cities around the world. So, they are โ€œEarly Adopters with old, traditional favorite dishes.โ€

This was the first observation I thought to share with you regarding the Chinese culture Iโ€™m striving to get to know. Want to hear more? Be sure to check my next post. But, in the meantime, read all about teleportation!

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