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Making it Sustainable: Innovation Suite No. 9

Making innovation sustainable means: 1. learning how to innovate, 2. getting results from innovation workshops, and 3. building the internal support systems to keep it going.  Join Idit Biton and Yoni Stern from SIT in New York City, June 18-20, 2012 for Innovation Suite No. 9, an intensive learning experience with a focus on making innovation sustainable in your ogranization.

Listen to Gilles Bertherin from Shell explain his takeaway from attending Innovation Suite:

The three day event teaches new-comers how to use the method, while the more experienced SIT users and innovation managers focus on how to facilitate it.  Participants are assigned an experienced SIT coach to work with for several weeks following the event.  This is a great feature as it provides that needed lifeline to people who are not as familiar with facilitation.

To register, go here.


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