Categories: Methodology

Reinvention: Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption


    Technology, globalization, economic shifts, geopolitical shocks, and, yes, management thought leaders over the past 30 years have set in motion a continuous onslaught of radical, discontinuous change in the global business environment that will not abate anytime soon. In fact, worldwide economic turmoil will most likely only increase in the future. Is it possible for existing businesses to survive, let alone thrive, in this turbulence? Authors Shane Cragun and Kate Sweetman say “yes” – if you as a leader are prepared to look more inquisitively, even positively, at the global shockwaves that might impact you, and prepare your organizations and the people in them to remove self-imposed blindfolds and proactively seize the opportunity to improve performance in these revolutionary times.
In Cragun and Sweetman’s upcoming book, Reinvention: Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption [Greenleaf Book Group Press, July 2016], the authors propose a simple formula, common principles, and set of tools for individuals and organizations facing disruptive and radical change. Reinvention is supported by the authors’ combined 50 years of experience working with executives, organizations, and teams around the globe. Cragun and Sweetman are the leading global experts on the new competency of Reinvention — the ability to create ‘quantum individual and organizational change accelerated.’
“The ability to pivot quickly, profoundly, and effectively might be the most important core competency for individuals and organizations to acquire who hope to prosper in the new economy,” says Cragun. “It’s no longer enough to change when you have to. Leaders must change before they have to, and they must enable their organization to surf the incoming global shockwaves with intelligence, agility, strength, and command.”
“When they do, leaders and organizations can actually accelerate performance,” adds Sweetman. “When they don’t, they will no doubt begin down the path of irrelevance that ultimately leads to failure. It’s vital that leaders understand that success in the age of disruption requires significant shifts in world views, approaches, skills and behaviors.”
Reinvention uses compelling and eclectic stories and cases from around the globe over the past 100 years to reinforce key learnings: from polar explorations, village microcredit innovations, defiance in the war on terror, all the way to global politics and big business. Each chapter ends with practical insights from an assortment of global experts from the six corners of the world.
Reinvention also thoroughly examines: •

  • The opportunity to proactively leverage disruptive events in an effort to leapfrog the competition and actually accelerate results.
  • 20 Global Shockwaves* that have impacted global business since 1981, and how new global shockwaves will only continue to do so.
  • The danger and threat of the Six Deadly Blindfolds* that leaders and organizations often wear that result in vision loss when dealing with incoming change (and how to successful remove these blindfolds using the Reinvention Agility Matrix*).
  • A simple Reinvention Formula* and Reinvention Roadmap* (for both individuals and organizations), and assorted tools that can create breakthrough results, overcome resistance and inertia, and ensure that every change made reinforces and aligns to the end goal.
  • Exciting new management concepts such as The Law of the 21st Century Business Jungle*, Age of Disruption Principles*, and the 21st Century Competitiveness Cycle*.
  • How five Reinvention Accelerators* promote the strength necessary to outpace the speed of change.
  • How the same overall Reinvention solution can effectively apply at the individual, team, organization, and societal levels when disruption must be faced.

* trademark of SweetmanCragun
Shane Cragun is a founding partner at SweetmanCragun, a global management consulting, training, and coaching firm. His passion is creating high performance excellence at the individual, team, organizational, and societal levels around the globe. Cragun has worked as an internal change agent within a Fortune 500 High Tech Firm, a line executive at FranklinCovey, and a global external management consultant. His projects have received prizes in the areas of leadership and change. He recently co-authored the Employee Engagement Mindset published by McGraw-Hill, has presented a TEDx talk in Silicon Valley, spoken at business conferences worldwide, and was featured in Open Computing magazine.
Kate Sweetman is a founding partner at SweetmanCragun. Sweetman was listed as an Emerging Guru with Thinkers50, and is co-author of the bestselling business book, The Leadership Code published by Harvard Business Press. Her first-hand experience with world leaders, Fortune 100 organizations, and Asian multi-nationals provides a substantial foundation for insights that extend beyond borders. A former editor at Harvard Business Review, she has been published in HBR, Sloan Management Review, Boston Globe, and the Times of India, and has appeared on CNBC in the U.S. and India. She is also a coach and visiting lecturer at MIT’s Legatum Center for Entrepreneurship. For more information, please visit and connect with the authors on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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