What is SIT4?
SIT4 is SIT’s Social Innovation unit – working with a wide range of organizations to promote social goals by developing effective innovative solutions to challenging social issues.
SIT4 is a “social business” (hence its name, derived from the so-called “Fourth Sector”), meaning that it is designed to produce two bottom lines: be profitable and create a social impact. SIT4 shares the resources, infrastructure, experience and human resources of SIT. This, alongside a “frugal” work model, enables us to offer our services and expertise to clients at a reduced rate.
Services & Products for Social Innovation
- Ideation and Concept Development: Facilitating thinking processes designed to come up with new feasible and effective ideas about a defined issue (product, process, service, program, strategy, model, etc.).
- Strategic Processes: Facilitating analysis and development of organizational strategy processes, i.e. identifying target audiences, mapping relevant values for target audiences and formulating modes of action which derive from the strategy.
- Urban Innovation: Project management and facilitation of innovation processes in municipal authorities, designed to produce both intrinsic value for the authority’s employees and external value for the residents of the municipality.
- Organizational Innovation: Planning and management of processes aimed at implementing an organizational culture of innovation.
- Conferences & Events: Concept development, design, content management, and facilitation of events and conferences, which make use of innovative content, or which aspire to produce a specific innovation.
- Courses & Training Programs: Courses and training programs that provide participants with practical tools for developing innovation on a personal, team, and corporate level.
- Marketing Communication
- Double the Value: Managing and facilitating organizational processes among companies aimed at raising ideas for products or services with both economic and social bottom lines.
A Selection of Social Innovation Projects
- Developing creative youth programs: The Board of Jewish Education in New York. United States
- Applying innovative solutions to academic challenges and social routines, Ministry of Education: Singapore
- Establishing the Bat Yam Center for Entrepreneurship in Education: Israel
- Finding innovative solutions for supplying food to children in the poverty-stricken Rio-Negro region: Colombia.
- Helping an HMO and its doctors substantially reduce the incidence of antibiotic abuse: Israel
- Advancing women’s reproductive health in rural clinics in Uttar Pradesh: India.
- Innovating educational programs for the Nature and National Parks Protection Authority, promoting conservation of Israel’s natural, historical and recreational sites: Israel
- Assisting the community of Cincinnati in a heterogeneous effort to heal from its interracial conflicts: USA
- Helping eradicate malaria by tackling the issue of non-usage of bed nets as part of Malaria Day events in Washington DC: United states
- Working with NOVA, an umbrella organization, to formulate and guide NGO’s strategies: Israel
- Rethinking new and effective ways of deploying relief services in municipalities that are inundated with regular flooding and natural catastrophes: Colombia.
- Consulting the Ministry of Welfare to identify additional services it can provide within its existing resource base, while reducing the dependency of those it serves: Israel
- Helping a variety of stakeholders to reassess their strategy for combatting narcotrafficking in Central America: Panama
Clients & Partners in Social Innovation
Taking part in a growing number of social initiatives, SIT4 has accumulated much knowledge and a variety of tools relevant to the unique world of social innovation, and a profound understanding of the local and international public, civic and non-profit sphere and policy.
Our partners and clients around the world are varied:
- The Public Sector – government ministries and local municipalities and authorities.
- The third sector – NGO’s, civil society organizations, social entrepreneurs and social funds.
- The business sector – for-profit organizations whose goal is to produce a social benefit alongside their economic bottom line, promoting Shared Value projects and Corporate social responsibility.