Innovation Sighting: Toyotaโs Mood-Detecting Car
Toyota is designing a new technology that will react to the driverโs mood. It will adjust how the car behaves depending on whether the driver is sad, happy, angry or neutral. The technology uses a camera to identify facial emotions by taking readings from 238 points on the driverโs face.
A driverโs mood can affect performance on the road. Research has shown that people with negative (and sometimes positive) emotions are distracted even more than those using a cell phone while driving. Such emotions cause otherwise excellent drivers to:
- Experience dimmed or otherwise impaired observation and reaction times.
- Fail to recognize situations, such as an abrupt slowing of traffic or debris in the road.
- Get to the point that they are unable to predict or to determine what the other drivers around us are doing.
- Make risky maneuvers and risky changes, such as cutting across several lanes of traffic to take an off-ramp, suddenly change lanes, or even to drive on the freeway shoulder.
- Lose the ability to perform driving skills that require precise timing or other subtle skills.
- Make a driver feel as though he or she is detached from the other drivers, vehicles, and conditions on the road.
Toyotaโs new technology will try to link to these emotions to prevent accidents.
Creating a dependency between the driverโs mood and how the car responds is a classic example of the Attribute Dependency Technique, one of five in Systematic Inventive Thinking. The modern automobile has many innovative solutions that use Attribute Dependency. Anything that customizes to the preferences of the driver could be considered an attribute dependency. Examples include automatic seats that adjust to the push of a button, radio channel presets, and dashboard information readouts. My favorite innovations are those that link an internal attribute of the car to an external attribute such as driving conditions. Examples include windshield wipers that change speed depending on the amount of rain falling, tires that tilt depending on the road curves, and anti-lock brakes that adjust stopping performance to the conditions of the road surface.