Посты с тэгом: wallet

The LAB: Innovating Your Wallet Using S.I.T. (December 2009)

Published date: December 7, 2009 в 2:00 am

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Innovation puts cash in your wallet.  But what about the wallet itself?  For this month’s LAB, we will apply the corporate innovation method, S.I.T., to create new and useful concepts for the wallet.

Wallets are the most personal items we own.  They carry our money, credit cards, identification,  licenses, photographs, and other memorabilia.  Your wallet says a lot about you.  As with food, we try to stuff more inside while staying thin.  Wallets have been around a long time.  Today, the wallet industry is a multi-billion dollar market fueled by new designs and innovation.

Here are six unique wallet concepts invented using the five templates in the S.I.T. method.  They were created by graduate students at the University of Cincinnati as part of their course requirements in “Applied Marketing Innovation.”

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